Tom J. McConnell's CV
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Dr. McConnell's Curriculum Vita Or visit Dr. McConnell's ORCID site |

Selected Publications:
- Conservation Tales book series, Published by Airway Publishing, Muncie, IN
- McConnell, T. J., Ewing, K, & Page, A. (2019). Conservation Tales: Giraffes. ISBN 978-0-9600063-4-2.
- McConnell, T. J., Bloom, A., & Bockover, J. (2019). Conservation Tales: Elephants. ISBN 978-0-9600063-3-5.
- Page, A. & McConnell, T. J. (2019). Conservation Tales Junior: Bats. ISBN 978-0-9600063-1-1.
- Bockover, J. L. & McConnell, T. J. (2019). Conservation Tales Junior: Bees. ISBN 978-0-9600063-2-8.
- McConnell, T. J. & Brown, M. J. (2018). Conservation Tales: Seahorses. ISBN 978-0-9863369-8-0.
- McConnell, T. J. (2018). Conservation Tales: Sea Turtles. ISBN 978-0-9863369-9-7.
- McConnell, T. J. & Stallard, S. (2018). Conservation Tales: Manatees. ISBN 978-0-9863369-7-3.
- McConnell, T. J. (2018). Conservation Tales: Salamanders. ISBN 978-0-9863369-6-6.
- McConnell, T. J. (2018). Conservation Tales: Bees. ISBN 978-0-9863369-5-9.
- McConnell, T. J. (2017) Conservation tales: Bats. ISBN 978-0-9863369-4-2
- McConnell, T. J. (2017) Conservation tales: The Cerulean Warbler. ISBN 978-0-9863369-3-5
- McConnell, T. J. (In press). Reigniting the spark of childhood inspiration: A biology educator’s journey to Kenya’s Maasai Mara. The Hoosier Science Teacher.
- McConnell, T. J., Giorgio-Booher, B., Reneker, M., Bockover, J., & Page, A. (2020). Manatee ID Card Game: Student activity to practice authentic science process skills. Manuscript submitted to The Hoosier Science Teacher, 43(1).
- McConnell, T. J., Foster, T., & Schilten, M. (2019). Inquiry at the botanical gardens: Practicing Science Processes during a Field Trip to the Indianapolis Zoo. The Hoosier Science Teacher, 42(2), 4 pages.
- McConnell, T. J., Parker, J. M., & Eberhardt, J. (2019). Problem-based learning for responsive and transformational teacher professional development. Global Journal of Transformative Education 1(1), 18-25. DOI 10.14434/gjte.v1i1.25848
- McConnell, T. J., Parker, J. M., & Eberhardt, J. (2018). Problem-Based Learning in the Physical Science Classroom, K-12. Alexandria, VA: NSTA Press. ISBN 978-1-941316-21-4, e-ISBN:978-1-941316-70-2.
- McConnell, T. J., Parker, J. M., & Eberhardt, J. (2017). Problem-based learning in the Earth and space science classroom, K-12. Alexandria, VA: NSTA Press. ISBN 978-1-941316-19-1, e-ISBN 978-941316-72-6.
- Stump, S., Bryan, J., & McConnell, T. J. (2016). Making STEM connections through inquiry: Acting as quality control engineers and service providers, students collaborate to engage, explore and explain their results. Mathematics Teacher, (109)8, 576-583.
- McConnell, T. J., Parker, J. M., & Eberhardt, J. (2016). Problem-based learning in the life science classroom, K-12. Alexandria, VA: NSTA Press. ISBN 978-1-941316-20-7, e-ISBN 978-1-941316-69-6.
- Aurah, C. M., Cassady, J. C., & McConnell, T. J. (2014). Genetics problem solving in high school testing in Kenya: Effects of metacognitive prompting during testing. Electronic Journal of Science Education, 18(8). 2-26.
- McConnell, T. J. (2014). Biology Concepts for Educators: An Inquiry Based Approach.[Electronic Lab Manual]. Des Moines, IA: Great River Technologies.
- Aurah, C. M. & McConnell, T. J. (2014). Comparative study on pre-service science teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs of teaching in Kenya and the United States of America. American Journal of Educational Research, 2(4), 233-239.
- Aurah, C. M., Cassady, J. C., & McConnell, T. J. (2014). Predicting problem solving ability from the metacognition and self-efficacy beliefs on a cross validated sample.British Journal of Education, 2(1), 49-72.
- McConnell, T. J., Parker, J.M. & Eberhardt, J. (2013). Problem-based learning as an effective strategy for science teacher professional development. [Special Issue] The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas, 86(6), 216-233,
- McConnell, T. J., Parker, J. M., & Eberhardt, J. (2013). Assessing teachers’ science content knowledge: A strategy for assessing depth of understanding. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 24(2), 717-743.
- McConnell, T. J., Parker, J. M., Eberhardt, J., Koehler, M. J., & Lundeberg, M. A. (2013).Virtual professional learning communities: Videoconferencing as a tool to facilitate science teacher learning. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 22(3), 267-277.
Selected Recent Presentations
- McConnell. T. J. (2020). Building Sustainable and Authentic STEM Learning Opportunities for a Socially Distanced World – Challenges and Opportunities. Keynote address at Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education During and Post COVID’19 International Conference 2020, hosted virtually by Sam Houston State University (Huntsville, TX), the Diversity Education Institute (Conroe, TX), and Masinde Muliro University of Science & Technology (Kakamega, Kenya). October 13-15, 2020.
- McConnell, T. J., Parker, J. M., & Eberhardt, J. (2019, April). NSTA Press Session: Problem-Based Learning in the Science Classroom, K-12. Presentation at the 2019 National Conference of the National Science Teachers Association, St. Louis, MO, April 12, 2019.
- McConnell, T. J., Mbogori, T., Mucherah, W., Ndemanu, M. (2018, October). Re-imagining Education in the African Context. Panel discussion at the Global Connections Conference, Ball State University, Muncie, IN, October 10, 2018.
- Giorgio-Booher, B, & McConnell, T.J. (2018). Conservation Tales: Children’s books about wildlife conservation, in Biologic Ecologic special session. Paper presented at the SouthEast College Art Conference (SECAC), Birmingham, AL, October 18, 2018.
- McConnell, T. J. (2018). Communicating Science to a Non-Scientific Public: Working with educators, authors and visual artists to bring scientific research to a lay audience. Invited presentation in the Department of Biology Fall Seminar Series, Ball State University, Muncie, IN, October 12, 2018.
- McConnell, T.J. (2018). Problem-based learning for responsive and transformative teacher professional development. Paper presented at the World Conference on Transformative Education, Masinde Muliro University of Science & Technology, Kakamega, Kenya, July 28, 2018.
- McConnell, T.J. (2018). Developing problem-based learning science lessons for local contexts. Paper presented as part of the Ball State University Plenary Session at the World Conference on Transformative Education, Masinde Muliro University of Science & Technology, Kakamega, Kenya, July 26, 2018.
- McConnell, T. J. & Giorgio-Booher B. (2018). Conservation Tales: Integrating STEM, Literacy and the Arts with Environmental Education. Presentation at the 2018 nErDCamp Indy, Indianapolis, IN, July 19, 2018.
McConnell, T. J., Giorgio-Booher, B, Islam, Pfaff, S., K., Delaney, C., McDonald, G., Hensley, S, & Gabrek, B. 2017. Conservation Tales: Environment education for young readers with diverse characters. Presentation at the 2017 Conference of the Environmental Educators Association of Indiana, Morgantown, IN, October 14, 2017. - McConnell, T. J., Foster, T., & Schilten, M. 2017. Conservation Educator Academy at the Indianapolis Zoo. Presentation at the 2017 Conference of the Environmental Educators Association of Indiana, Morgantown, IN, October 13, 2017
- McConnell, T. J. (2017). NSTA Press Presents: Problem-Based Learning in the Science Classroom. Presentation at the National Conference of the National Science Teachers Association, Los Angeles, CA, March 2, 2017.
- McConnell. T. J. (2017). Solar Motion Demonstrator for Earth and Space Science Problem-Based Learning. Presentation as part of the National Earth Science Teachers Association Share-A-Thon at the National Conference of the National Science Teachers Association, Los Angeles, CA, April 31, 2017.
- Foster, T., Schilten, M., & McConnell, T.J. (2016). Focus on Forests. Half-day workshop at the Hoosier Association of Science Teachers, Inc. for the 2016 Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN, February 3, 2016.